The Interconnectedness of our Health and the Environment

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Note: Short posts like this one offer a big-picture look at nutrition, lifestyle, and sustainability topics. For a deeper dive into this subject, or any other one, reach out about my virtual classes or one-on-one sessions!

What is Health?

What are some things that come to mind when you hear the word health? A lot of the time we often just think about how our body feels. Sometimes we might even take a quick inventory of our symptoms at that very moment or think about the illnesses we’ve had—or the ones we are trying to avoid.

But holistic health isn’t just about feeling sick or not feeling sick. It’s a dynamic state that flows with the continual shifts of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual selves, as well as with the environment around us. And there is a deep connection between our health, the way we care for those around us, and the sustainability of our planet.  

The Body and Earth as Ecosystems

Have you ever thought about your body as an ecosystem? If not, you’re not alone! But just like the ecosystems we see around us in nature, our body is also a network of interconnected processes that depend on each other. And just like nature, our bodies rely on diversity, energy and nourishment. When one is out of balance, it directly affects the other.

Disruptions to the Earth’s system—like pollution, deforestation, or climate change—can lead to significant destabilization including the collapse of natural habitats. Your body works in a similar way. When we don’t get the right amount of essential nutrients, deplete nutrients by consuming highly processed foods, or overload our body with toxins, our extraordinary, yet delicate, system is thrown off.

This is when physical symptoms like fatigue, hives, aches, foggy brain, acne, pain, etc. begin to show up. It’s all too common that we write these inconvenient symptoms off as some random occurrence. But these are serious red flags! They are the body’s way of telling us that things are out of balance. Left ignored or treated with temporary soothing, our body begins to dysfunction, ultimately leading to chronic illness and disease.

Restoring balance requires a focus on proper nourishment through eating a variety of natural whole foods and on creating sustainable lifestyle habits. In holistic nutrition, the rule of the four R’s is the best way to approach the constant rebalancing of our system: Remove, Replace, Restore and Repeat.

Want to learn more about the 4 R’s? Sign up for my next set of virtual group classes!

Bioindividuality and Biodiversity

Just like there are no two ecosystems on the planet that are exactly the same, no two bodies are alike. This is where the principle of bioindividuality comes in—an idea at the heart of holistic nutrition!

We are each a unique being. SUPER-DUPER unique! There’s no one exactly like YOU in the entire universe. Bioindividuality speaks to this. It means that what works for one person may not work for another. For example, one person may thrive on a vegetarian diet, while another needs protein from animal sources to feel good. Holistic nutrition honors these differences by tailoring diets and wellness practices to each person’s unique needs, goals and preferences.

This concept mirrors biodiversity, which refers to the variety of life forms on Earth that support the health and stability of ecosystems. Biodiversity is crucial for the resilience of ecosystems. It helps nature acclimate to changes and recover from disturbances. Similarly, when we respect and flow with our bioindividuality, we build strength, vitality, and balance in our health.

Healthy You and Happy Planet?

If you’re thinking: ‘Great, this is super-interesting stuff. But why are we talking about the biology of the planet—I thought we were here for food tips!’ It’s ok! You are still in the right place.

The ancient and innate connection that most people don’t talk about is that we don’t just function similarly to nature. We are nature. Our human body is made up of the same elemental building blocks as Earth such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Which means our bodies also need natural nutrients to help us function as intended.

Think about it this way: would you feed your vegetable garden melted candy bars or water it with canola oil (btw, what’s a canola?!) On the flipside, would you drink the herbicides and toxins that are commonly sprayed over food crops? How about consume the diet of soy, corn and antibiotics that factory-farm animals are fed? I’m assuming your answer is a hard ‘no’ to all the above. Healthy plants are nurtured with elements familiar to their makeup. So why would nurturing our body be any different?

That’s kind of a loaded question because what we consider food has changed dramatically over the past few decades. We’ve started to forget that food is life! Food is medicine. And that food comes from the Earth. The more we explore this intimate connection we have with our planet, the easier it will become to make more conscious food choices that support both our personal health and the precious land, sea and sky around us.

Supporting Both Ecosystems

There are several ways to honor nature and our body simultaneously. For instance, by eating a diet rich in seasonal, organic, and local foods, we nourish our bodies while also promoting sustainable agricultural practices that respect nature’s diversity. We support farmers who prioritize healthy soils, ecosystems, and crops that help restore balance to the environment.

The more we understand the interconnectedness of our health and our environment, the more empowered we become to make choices that benefit both ourselves and the Earth. It can seem overwhelming knowing where to start. But you’ve already begun! You’re here, now, thinking about the magic of our connection to the Earth. That “noticing” is in itself the best place to start.

I hope you enjoyed exploring this topic! Feel free to leave a comment below with your experience—questions are always welcome too! Reminder to check back weekly for new posts! You can also subscribe for my monthly newsletter featuring the latest articles and recipes


  1. I loved reading this post, Sean! Your point about our bodies and the Earth functioning as ecosystems really resonated with me. It’s easy to overlook how much we’re impacted by the food choices we make and the environment we live in. Thank you for breaking down the 4 R’s approach—it’s such a practical guide to rebalancing our health. I appreciate the reminder that caring for ourselves and our planet are deeply connected, and that small, conscious choices can make a big difference. Looking forward to learning more in your classes!

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